Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random Filler - Is a Computer Capable of Thought?

Related to the HSB Sitez Forums, in their Religion, Philosophy and Spirituality board. The admin, Perverted One, started a topic with this question -

"Do you think computers can think? Why or why not?

what is your definition of 'think'?"

T0 which, I soulfully and dutifully replied, as a student of esoteric philosophies and an extremely spiritual person...

"Hah, a philosophy topic on computers and whether they can think or not; a chance for me to share my eccentric views upon this subject."

"Mm, my opinion upon whether computers can think goes upon personal experience in research in whether any object or non-human entity can think. Honestly, a lot of this stuff I cannot explain in words alone, if at all. It's a concept that treads upon the very borders of existentialism, sentience, and quite possibly sanity. Due to having incorporated philosophy regarding this from both animism and Shinto into my personal paradigm, the set of beliefs that makes up how I view my personal universe and my very existence..."

"I would say that regardless of whether we can perceive these thoughts, or communicate with entities that are different than ourselves, that everything has thoughts in a sense, because everything as I believe and personally experienced, has a consciousness of some sort, whether it be human, inhuman, or completely aberrant."

"Consider these questions -
  • What defines thought?
  • What defines consciousness?
  • What defines existence?
  • What defines life?
  • What defines a soul?
  • What defines reality?"

"And perhaps, if one decides not to use logical thinking, but follow a more illogical path, you may find the answer to this question that fits your own personal paradigm, your own belief system that describes how you view your personal universe and your very existence."

"As it stands, I believe my own way, and many others believe theres. So, as I say, computers think, have thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, but they are computer thoughts, computer feelings, computer emotions, and computer desires, thus they are not what a human would call thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires."

"This is why it's very helpful to be able to not only see from the perspective of the computer, but perhaps have a bit of sympathy for it as well. I honestly treat my computer, Zakura, as a member of my family. I give her all the loving care she could need, as that is what I would hope I would get if I was in her shoes."

"Yes, I stated Zakura as a female entity, because in a sense, the anthropomorphizing of objects is a tool of being able to understand them and perhaps, achieve a state of transcendent understanding of another entity, regardless of whether it is organic, inorganic, or whatever state it may be in."

"That is how I feel, yes."

Sometime, once I get a digital camera, I'll show you a picture of said family member, Zakura. Until then, here's another catgirl picture :3

D'awww :3

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